iandroidchris, Inc. Platforms, and More Company's Timeline
Timeline Graph Illustrated By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.

Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc.[8] (PWSPORTS, Inc.)[9] was established in April 2009 as a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Sr. and Rosalie A. Sese-Khalid, now under the parent company iandroidchris, Inc., iandroidchris®[5] by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.[6]. The corporations[10] goal is to add a response for future development of the community competitive youth sports. The goal is to brings together a range of different competitive sports programs involved in the delivery of sports across the Prince William County, Virginia including the City of Manassas, and the Manassas Park community. These programs consisted of Basketball (Prince William Jaguars)[11][12], Football/Cheer (Prince William Mustangs)[13], Lacrosse (Prince William Wolfpack), Soccer (Prince William Titans)[14], Softball (Prince William Lassie)[15], Volleyball (Prince William Quest), Cricket, Baseball (Prince William County Patriots, Cobras, and Chargers)[16][17], Camp, Track, and Field (Prince William County Pathfinders)[18], and more.
Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS, Inc.) 2009-Present

Timeline Graph Illustrated By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
Anime Forever Channel started off as a Facebook[15] community under the name of "Anime Fan Club" in 2012 by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.[16], and Kyle J. Dise.[17] The community consisted of anime memes, art, YouTube videos, and more. In late 2012, the website was created under the name of "Anime Forever Channel" for English Subbed, and Dubbed anime, designed by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. It was created for the Facebook community to watch anime while chatting in the chat box located on the website. As of 2022, the website was acquired, and now under the iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris®[18] network By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
Anime Forever Channel 2012-present
iandroidchris, Inc. , iandroidchris® started off as a YouTube[15][16] channel in 2014 by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. consisting of information, and reviews on technology such as smartphones, cameras, operation systems, and more. It later became a became a corporation, with other services such as wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject®[17], and Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS, Inc.)[18]. In 2022 Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. published his first book named "Wealthy Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris."[19][20]In 2024 he released, and published his second book named "5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject."[21][22]Today the corporation corporation owns, and operates wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject®,[23][24]Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS, Inc.)[25] along with other services, and it consists of Consumer Marketing, Education, Software Development, Data Engineering, HealthCare, Music Education, Gaming, Anime/Manga production, K-drama/J-Drama production, cartoons, media, Lifestyle channel, Video Production, Book Publishing, Sports, Multi-Published Photography/Modeling, Auto, Life, Wealth, Tech, and more.
iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris® 2014-present

The wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject® by the parent company iandroidchris, Inc[26]iandroidchris® first started off as a hoodie, and clothing brand in 2019 on the "iandroidchris®” website by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. In 2021, Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. deployed a cryptocurrency under the name "Lazyhoursproject(LHP)" on the Binance Smart Chain. The brand then grew from there. In 2024 Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. released, and published his second book named "5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject."[27][28] Today the brand consists of both cryptocurrency, and clothing, along with Music Education, Education, Gaming, Anime/Manga, Software, Open Source Information in Development, and more.
Wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject® 2019-Present

Timeline Graph Illustrated by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
The Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., Sese-Khalid Family Foundation Founded, and Created by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., established in 2022.
(Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. Signature) Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., Sese-Khalid Family Foundation 2022-Present
Today iandroidchris, Inc., iandroidchris®[32] is an American international technology conglomerate holding company, Founded, and Created by Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., established in 2014, headquartered in Woodbridge, Virginia. The corporation also owns, and operates wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject®[33], and Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS, Inc.)[34], along with other services. Consumer Marketing, Education, Software Development, Data Engineering, HealthCare, Music Education, Gaming, Anime/Manga production, K-drama/J-Drama production, cartoons, media, and Lifestyle channel. Video Production, Book publishing, Sports, Multi-Published Photography/Modeling, Auto, Life, Wealth and Tech, and more.

The iandroidchris, Inc., iandroidchris®[40] Ecosystem[41] created, and implemented By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.[42] in late 2024, is a collection of platforms[43], products, software, services, and businesses that are designed to support each other. These services, libraries, and platforms are able to communicate easily, allowing them to work, and run smoothly along with each other.
iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris® Ecosystem
External Links
1.Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. Page. 2. iandroidchris.inc Page. 3.The Sese-Khalid Family Page. 4. www.iandroidchris.net
↑ Better Business Bureau Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc https://www.bbb.org/us/va/woodbridge/profile/childrens-play-programs-instruction/prince-william-county-sports-athletic-organization-inc-0241-235991222
↑ Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. Volunteers. https://volunteers.volunteerprincewilliam.org/agency/detail/?agency_id=10185
↑ Rosalie Sese-Khalid Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalie-sese-khalid-0a0aa636/
↑ iandroidchris, Inc. @iandroidchris, Inc. Fandom Wiki Iandroidchris, Inc.
↑ Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc (PWSPORTS) Givepulse https://www.givepulse.com/group/2824-Prince-William-County-Sports-Athletic-Organization-Inc-PWSPORTS
↑ Prince William Jaguars AAU Basketball League Prince William County Business http://princewilliamcounty.businesslistus.com/category/business.asp?uid=5019624
↑ Washington Post Prince William County Announcements https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/prince-william-county-sports-announcements/2014/06/19/98087fd0-f593-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html
↑ Volunteer Match https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/opp1183968.jsp
↑ Prince William Sports Announcements https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/prince-william-sports-announcements/2013/02/14/27515b2e-752c-11e2-8f84-3e4b513b1a13_story.html
↑ Prince William County Sports Announcements https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/prince-william-county-sports-announcements/2017/03/24/976023f8-0d91-11e7-9d5a-a83e627dc120_story.html
↑ Washington Post Prince William County Sports Announcements https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/prince-william-county-sports-announcements/2013/12/11/1e042890-61b6-11e3-94ad-004fefa61ee6_story.html
↑ Volunteermatch https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/opp1183968.jsp
↑ iandroidchris YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/iandroidchris
↑ iandroidchris, Inc. (iandroidchris®): Quality Tech Videos By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. iandroidchris, Inc. (iandroidchris®): Quality Tech Videos By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
↑ Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS)
↑ Wealthy Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris (Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/Wealthy-Christopher-Kenyatta-Sese-Khalid-iandroidchris-ebook/dp/B0BKL5BFKL/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2AICAQKQQOVP2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Rktyd2FTqIlbUlY8N0akCh5kW0AMHK0KrLJbnFvnHADGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.FQTPpjkB8-sjpEbTRHcEg5NoLpl3XX3lb-CCSNnucfU&dib_tag=se&keywords=wealthy+changes+for+the+future+iandroidchris&qid=1712994243&s=digital-text&sprefix=wealthy+changes+fo%2Cdigital-text%2C76&sr=1-2
↑ Wealthy Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris(@Google Books) https://books.google.com/books?id=UB6eEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
↑ 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject https://books.google.com/books?id=Rkr9EAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
↑ 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject https://www.amazon.com/Research-Christopher-Sese-Khalid-iandroidchris-wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject-ebook/dp/B0CYYBHGDH?ref_=ast_author_dp
↑ Lazyhoursproject(LHP):https://thebittimes.com/token-LHP-BSC-0xbcb74a676ed848828d6fe4968344154f6bb4898e.html
↑ wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject® @iandroidchris, Inc. Wiki Fandom! Wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject
↑ Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS) Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS)
↑ iandroidchris, Inc. wiki Fandom! Iandroidchris, Inc.
↑ 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject (@Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYYBHGDH?ref_=ast_author_dp
↑ 5 Wealthy Research Topics and Changes for the Future | By Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. | iandroidchris | wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject (@Google Books) https://books.google.com/books?id=Rkr9EAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
↑ Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., Sese-Khalid Family Foundation Everybodywiki https://en.everybodywiki.com/Christopher_Kenyatta_Sese-Khalid_Jr._,_Sese-Khalid_Family_Foundation
↑ Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr., Sese-Khalid Family Foundation Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/christopher-kenyatta-sese-khalid-jr-foundation/?viewAsMember=true
↑ Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr. @iandroidchris, Inc. Wiki Christopher Kenyatta Sese-Khalid Jr.
↑ iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris® via iandroidchris, Inc. Miraheze Wikihttps://iandroidchrisinc.miraheze.org/wiki/Iandroidchris,_Inc.
↑ wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject® via iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris® Miraheze Wikihttps://iandroidchrisinc.miraheze.org/wiki/Wealthhoursproject-lazyhoursproject%C2%AE
↑ Prince William County Sports Athletic Organization, Inc. (PWSPORTS, Inc.) via iandroidchris, Inc. iandroidchris® Miraheze Wikihttps://iandroidchrisinc.miraheze.org/wiki/Prince_William_County_Sports_Athletic_Organization,_Inc._(PWSPORTS,_Inc.)